กลยุทธ์การปรับตัวของอุตสาหกรรมสิ่งทอเพื่อเข้าสู่การเปิดประชาคมอาเซียน ช่วงปี 2559-2562

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ประสงค์ อุทัย


This research study aims to (1) study of the textile industry in ASEAN, (2) to compare the competitive textile industry in ASEAN (3) to determine a trading strategy in the textile industry during 2016-2019 using the Mixde methodology Research tools in-depth interviews used for data collection in-dept Interview and Questionnaire.

The results showed that the Sample comments below Council for textile industry are still competitive in the ASEAN average level. Impact on the social, economic and political dominance, resulting in a total decrease is not much but operators also need to develop their own forecasts. A major hurdle is the lack of textile industry, skilled labor continues. 300 THB to set wages higher margin. The laws of ASEAN countries. Would result in a While textile factories in Thailand are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises in manufacturing with the requirements of the order (Original Equipment Manufacturer: OEM) Thailand's textile industry remains competitive advantage the business skills of the labor force in Thailand. Intricate Business strategy in the textile industry in the years 2016-2019 should be the offensive and defensive strategies concurrently. Integrated forecast government sponsorship policies should be promoted to key issues such as the promotion of the subject. Upstream, Middlestream, Downstream, to cover all processes.

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How to Cite
อุทัย ป. (2018). กลยุทธ์การปรับตัวของอุตสาหกรรมสิ่งทอเพื่อเข้าสู่การเปิดประชาคมอาเซียน ช่วงปี 2559-2562. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 24(2), 65–79. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pyu/article/view/133732
Research Articles


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