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ณรงค์ ศรีชัยบุญสูง


The purpose of this study was (1 ) to study the administration of local government that brings about sustainable community. (2 ) to study results, the sustainability of the community of the local government (3) to study the relationship between administration of local government and sustainability of the community (4) to search the model of administrative organization that relates to the sustainability of community.

The questionnaire was primarily with the creation of concept study. The questions were closed-ended questions and a gauge of indicators for Interval scale to check the accuracy of the query by calculating the IVC (Item Variable Congruence Index) by five experts assembled to study the in-depth interviews and observation as data collection. The scope of the research area was the municipalities and Tambon Administration Organizations in the upper-north 9 provinces. The sample populations were leaders who are involved in the management of local development planning. The study reveals that local governments are at high level at all sides (gif.latex?\bar{X}&space;=&space;3.68,&space;S.D&space;=&space;0.72) including; policy chosen to practice, defining clear aim, creating Development Plan, management, and monitoring and evaluation. The sustainability of the community has performed at a very high level (gif.latex?\bar{X}&space;=&space;3.56,&space;S.D.&space;=&space;0.69) at all sides include; sustainability development of the environmental community, sustainable development of the social community, sustainable development of the economic community and sustainable development of cultural community.

The hypothesis testing used Canonical Correlation, the Administration of Local Government has a high correlation (r = 0.732) with the results of the implementation of sustainability in the community. The created Development Plan. The local management is relating to the operation of community sustainability which is the sustainability of the cultural which community includes; immune and nature conservation, the way of life based on natural and environmental harmony.

Path analysis reveals the model of administration of local government for a sustainable community. Path of administration of local government through creating development plans, development plan management, which bring about the immune and nature conservation, the way of life based on nature and environment, which bring about the sustainability of the cultural community that match the performance and sustainability of the community.

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How to Cite
ศรีชัยบุญสูง ณ. (2018). ตัวแบบการบริหารขององค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่นเพื่อความยั่งยืนของชุมชน. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 24(2), 81–102. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pyu/article/view/133739
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