ระบบการผลิต ความเสี่ยง และการยอมรับการเกษตรแบบมีพันธะสัญญาในการผลิตข้าวโพดเลี้ยงสัตว์ของเกษตรกรรายย่อยในจังหวัดเชียงใหม่

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ศรเพชร ชาวัน
จิรวรรณ กิจชัยเจริญ
เบญจพรรณ เอกะสิงหN


This study aimed to understand the production systems, costs, returns, and risks of small-scale farmers in Chiang Mai Province in maize production under contract and non-contract arrangements, and examine the factors determining the adoption of contract farming. The needed data and information were collected by questionnaire interview with maize growers in Mae Chaem and Phrao Districts of Chiang Mai Province in 2012/3 crop year covering 110 samples of contract grower and 112 samples of non-contract grower, or 222 observations in total.

The study found that the contract maize growers spent on the average 4,270 baht per rai for the production cost while the non-contract maize growers invested averagely 3,761 baht per rai. Apparently, both groups incurred the loss from their maize production. Statistically, at 0.05 significant level, there was no difference in either the cost of or the return to maize production between contract and non-contract maize growers.

The results revealed that from the analysis on probability of income earning the expected income of contract maize growers would be 4,275 baht per rai and the coefficient of variation of income equal to 0.28. In the case of non-contract farming system the expected income would be 4,065 baht per rai and the coefficient of variation of income equal to 0.32. Based on the loss probabilities, the contract maize growers would face greater financial risk for having 58 % of loss probability compared with the non-contract maize growers which had 52 % of loss probability.

The investigation on factors determining the adoption of contract farming in the present context revealed that there were four explanatory variables at 0.01 statistically significant level including maize production cost, the access to extension services or information regarding contract farming, and whether or not the farmer had been involved in contract farming in the previous years. At 0.05 statistically significant level, the experience of household head in maize production became another determining factor for the adoption. 

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How to Cite
ชาวัน ศ., กิจชัยเจริญ จ., & เอกะสิงหN เ. (2018). ระบบการผลิต ความเสี่ยง และการยอมรับการเกษตรแบบมีพันธะสัญญาในการผลิตข้าวโพดเลี้ยงสัตว์ของเกษตรกรรายย่อยในจังหวัดเชียงใหม่. PAYAP UNIVERSITY JOURNAL, 24(2), 205–225. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pyu/article/view/133802
Research Articles


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