

  • อนุธน สีตะสุต สาขาวิชาการปกครองท้องถิ่น วิทยาลัยการปกครองท้องถิ่น มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น


การบริหาร, การแสดงความรับผิดทางการบริหาร, เทศบาลตำบล, administer, administrative accountability, sub-district administrative municipality


Abstract in Thai unavailable


Administrative Accountability of Khanuan Sub-district Municipality

The purposes of this study were to 1) examine the management 2) study the responsible in personnel management, finance and procurement, and 3) study the developmental municipal guideline for related mechanisms of administrative accountability : personnel management, finance and procurement. The results showed as follows.

1. The administration of Khanuan sub-district municipality was managed by work load and the legal authority. The policies and the management plans did not correspond with the problems, real condition areas, and people\ needs. These were because the municipal work load had to be served the state\s assignments or orders. The municipal mission had to be generally set up the same direction as the state\s mission.

2. The administrative accountability of personnel management, finance and procurement of Khanuan sub-district municipality were the responsibilities for the work loads in the command line by the law and regulation, or by the policy of local administrator or by the government. It did not found any working mechanisms or working procedures of personnel management, Finance, and procurement as systematic and tangibility.

3. The developmental guideline of administrative accountabilities of personnel management, finance, procurement of the local administration were to specify the guidelines, procedures, and working regulation as systematic and tangibility.
