การมีส่วนร่วมของประชาชนในกระบวนการจัดทำแผนพัฒนาขององค์การบริหารส่วนตำบล ในจังหวัดอุดรธานี


  • สรรเสริญ คำภูแก้ว สาขาวิชารัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม


การมีส่วนร่วมของประชาชน, การวางแผน, องค์การบริหารส่วนตำบล, people’s participation, planning, sub-district administrative organization


Abstract in Thai unavailable


People)s Participation in Process of Development Plan of Sub-district Administrative Organization in Udon Thani Province

The objectives of the present study on the subject of “people’s participation in process of development plan of the sub-district administrative organizations in Udon Thani provinced” included 1) to study the level of people’s participation in the process of development plan of sub-district administrative organizations in Udon Thani province. 2) to study the correlation between personal factors and people’s participation in process of the development plan of the sub-district administrative organizations in Udon Thani province. 3) to study the factors that cause people’s participation in process of development plan of the sub-district administrative organizations in Udon Thani province. 4) to study problems or impediments that limited people’s participation in process of development plan of sub-district administrative organizations in Udon Thani province. And 5) to search for ways of promoting people’s participation in process of development plan of subdistrict administrative organizations in Udon Thani province. The study was a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. The sample group used for the quantitative study consisted of 384 people who were entitled to voting right in 105 sub-districts, whereas the sample group for the qualitative study consisted of the people who were members of the local development committee, the committee for supporting the local development plan and the committee for following-up and evaluation the local development plan. The instrument for quantitative study was a questionnaire while an interview form was for qualitative study. 

The result of the study showed that. (1) Level of people’s participation in process of development plan if sub-district in Udon Thani province, as a whole, was at the “low” level, The highest mark indicator was to inform, followed by to consult, to collaborate, to involve and to empower respectively. (2) An analysis of the correlation between personal factors and people’s participation in process of development plan of the subdistrict administrative organizations in Udon Thani province found that intrinsic motivation factors were associated with people’s participation in a statistically significance level .05. The correlation between subdistrict administrative organizations and people’s participation was significant at level .01. (3) Factors affected people’s participation including 7 indicators: individual, attitude, rules of law, virtue, accountability, participation and worthiness. The factors that did not affect participation including 4 indicators, they were reward or compensation, being recognized, authority, and transparency. (4) The barriers to participation in terms of individual factors included intrinsic motivations, while organization factors included rules of law, virtue, participation and worthiness. (5) Ways to promote participation, for individual factors, it included enhancing positive attitudes toward participation. For organization factors, it included the strengthening of duty to be compliance with the principles of good governance, particularly rules of law.
