คุณค่าทางจริยศาสตร์ : พิธีกรรมแกลมอของชาวไทยกูย


  • ยโสธารา ศิริภาประภากร รองผู้อำนวยการสำนักงานสำนักปฏิบัติธรรมจังหวัดสุรินทร์แห่งที่ 2 วัดป่าโยธาประสิทธิ์ ตำบลนอกเมือง อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดสุรินทร์


คุณค่า, จริยศาสตร์, พิธีกรรมแกลมอ, ชาวไทยกูย, valuable, ethics, Kalmor ritual, Kuy people


Kallmor is the ritual for ancestor spirit worshiping of Kuy people, inherited from the ancestor from the past and is a ritual for healing, forecasting protected the patients by ancestor spirit. “Mor” is a connector who connecting to ancestor spirit, they believed that there are Holy Spirits are still with the family and blessed them from harmfulness and bad things.The Ritual components is consists of place, worshiping things, cloth, sword, elephant and horse images , Baisri and prakum and then they run the ritual with the Kui’s traditional music.The ritual indicated the value of the way of life and it has been accepted and important for Kui people from the ancient time. The ritual have the ethical values or values of the society which represented by the Kui people with respectfulness, caring, harmony, sharing and cheering and the belief structure can control bad behavior in the family or society. These values represented by the Galmore ceremony, it is a local wisdom which inherited from an ancestors.it is knowledge which leading to system of thought then action or behavior base on the belief or norm for Kui people must practice.


