Compensation Factors Affecting Employee Performance: A Case Study of Car Parts Manufacturing Company in Samut Prakan province

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Rungarun khasasin


The objectives of this research were to 1) analyze the financial compensation and non- financial compensation affecting the work efficiency, and 2) propose a compensation and welfare management approach to Car Parts Manufacturing Company in Samut Prakan province.  This research was a quantitative study using the questionnaire as the research tool.  The questionnaire was sent to four hundred employees at all levels and all department in the company.  The data received were analyzed. 

            The results revealed that non-financial compensation and the environment factor affected the efficiency of the employee performance at high level.  The majority of the respondents stated that the building and the workplace were appropriate to the nature of the organization.  Besides, they mentioned that the organizational environment generally made the employees more active at work.  Moreover, they revealed that the clean and orderly workplace of the organization affected the efficiency of the employee performance.

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