The Causal Model of Organizational Commitment of Officers in the Department of Skill Development

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Prapaporn Chulilung


The objectives of this research were to 1) examine the levels of organizational commitment (OC) and 2) examine the causal model of OC of officers in the Department of Skill Development (DSD). The questionnaires were sent and the data were collected from 160 respondents. Data analysis was conducted using both descriptive statistics comprising of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation including inferential statistics comprising of Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA). The model was examined by the path analysis technique using empirical data.

              The study revealed that:

                1) The overall OC level of DSD officers was high (=4.03). When each aspect was considered separately, it was found that the OC level of every aspect was high as well. Considering at each aspect, ranging from the highest mean score to the lowest was as follows: dedication to the job, acceptance of the organization’s goal and willing to maintain being   organizational membership (=4.35, 4.04 and 3.71, respectively).

            2) The causal model of OC of DSD officers revealed that the satisfaction on job performance had direct influence on organizational commitment whereas the value on job performance had an indirect influence through both promotion and satisfaction on job performance or through internal relationship, promotion and satisfaction on job performance. The promotion also had an indirect influence through satisfaction whereas internal relationship had an indirect influence through promotion and satisfaction on job performance

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