Bojjhanga Mindfulness : an intrapersonal - communication of HIV/AIDS Infected Individuals Spiritual Therapy to “Stigmatise” Discourse

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Bavonsan Chiadamrong


Bojjhanga Mindfulness is an intrapersonal communication that is effective in treating HIV/AIDS Infected Individuals due to Stigmatise Discourse. When  persons realize that they infected, they can immediately be contemplated a mindfulness and always continue to maintain Bojjhanga mindfulness  without the need of using antiviral drugs. Using Bojjhanga Mindfulness to encourage HIV/AIDS Infected Individuals due to Stigmatise Discourse with intrapersonal communication is the supporting a cure by using antiviral drugs, modern medical profession, more effectively. It’s a direct benefaction for HIV/AIDS Infected Individuals. Furthermore, there are very few researches in communication arts about a cure for HIV/AIDS Infected Individuals by using an intrapersonal communication and other communication levels, i.e., interpersonal communication, group communication, and community communication. So, it’s necessary to study in the form of creating theories from the field research (grounded theory) to continue formulating knowledge.

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