The Correlation between Light Intensity and Sound Level Measured by Standard Instruments Compared to Mobile Applications

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สลีลา วิวัฒนิวงศ์
คทาวุธ ดีปรีชา
ลิขสิทธิ์ โสนันทะ
วีรภัทร มาเมือง


Background: There are currently mobile applications for detecting light intensity and noise level, which are free and easy to use. Objective: To find the correlation between light intensity and noise level measured by standard instruments compared to mobile applications. Materials and Methods: Environment Occupational Health and Safety report in Light intensity and noise level which measured the light intensity and sound level of the workplace by using the Heavy Duty Light Meter and IOS applications named LUX Light Meter and Sound Level Meter CEL-430/2. NIOSH SLM applications were analyzed by using Pearson correlation and Linear Regression. Result: The result of the Pearson correlation analysis revealed that the light intensity and noise level that measured by standard instruments compared with mobile applications was statistically significant at 0.05. Linear Regression analysis was used to predict the light intensity from the mobile application. The linear equation is as followed: Light intensity = 25.332 + 1 (light intensity of mobile application) with a statistical significance of 0.05 and an equation for predicting noise level from mobile application. The linear equation is as followed: noise level = 0.934+ 0.996 (noise level of mobile application) without statistical significance. Conclusion: The application can be used to measure light intensity in the rough to medium task and general area. For the accuracy of the light intensity, a linear equation should be used to predict the light intensity. Can use the mobile application to measure sound level without the linear equations. The value obtained from the mobile application should be used for screening only.

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นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ (Original Article)


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