Factors Influencing the Success of an ERP System: A Study in the Context of an Agricultural Enterprise in Thailand

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Somsit Duangekanong


The study examined factors in user satisfaction with ERP implementation pig farming and processing organization in northern Thailand. The target population included ERP users and government advisers involved with its implementation. A theoretical model with six determinants (Business Process of Reengineering, Top Management Support, Education and Training, Information Quality, System Quality and Perceived Usefulness) of User Satisfaction was developed. Data was collected using a questionnaire (n =228). From a theoretical perspective the findings supported most of those in previous studies whereby Top Management Support had the greatest effect on User Satisfaction followed in order by Perceived Usefulness, System Quality, and Information Quality while Business Process Reengineering and Education and Training had relatively small effects on User Satisfaction. New findings showed that contrary to those in previous studies: Top Management Support and Education and Training did not have significant effects on System Quality; Business Process Engineering only had significant indirect effects on Perceived Usefulness and User Satisfaction; and Education and Training only had a significant indirect effect on User Satisfaction. From a practical perspective the findings enabled the formulation of a hierarchy of objectives aimed at increasing user satisfaction each with an associated hierarchy of actions.


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How to Cite
Duangekanong, S. (2014). Factors Influencing the Success of an ERP System: A Study in the Context of an Agricultural Enterprise in Thailand. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 8(1), 18–45. https://doi.org/10.14456/sustj.2014.4
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