Condensed Tannins in Some Tropical Legumes Residue

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Yupa Pootaeng-on
Napawan Kimsri
Sarawoot Sooksom
Sayopoo Tangchaitam
Pantipa Na Chiangmai


The objective of this study was to compare condensed tannin (CT) and nutritive values of two edible legumes residue (leaf and stem) i.e. Vigna unguiculata, ‘KVC7’ cultivar (KVC7) and Arachis hypogaea, ‘KKU 60’ cultivar (KKU60) with two tropical legumes i.e. Stylosanthes guianensis CIAT 184 cv. Tha pra (Tha pra stylo) and Centrosema pascuorum cv. Cavalcade (Cavalcade). The Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with four replications was conducted in this study, and data were analyzed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that condensed tannin (CT) (total CT, soluble CT, and bound CT) and percentage of either soluble CT or bound CT - varied with legume species. The residue of KKU60 had highest total CT (70.5 g/kg DM) and soluble CT (68.9 g/kg DM), while Cavalcade had the lowest total CT (8.4 g/kg DM). All legumes were found to possess 8.4-70.5 g/kg of dry matter (DM) of total CT. The residue of KVC7 cultivar had lowest DM (24.0%) and had relatively lower values in other traits, such as neutral detergent fiber (NDF, 33.5%), acid detergent fiber (ADF, 20.0%), and acid detergent lignin (ADL, 4.2%). The residue of KVC7 had high CP content (14.4%) similar to the residue of KKU60 (15.3%) but higher than Tha pra stylo (11.2%) and Cavalcade (11.5%). KVC7 and KKU60 had lower fiber and higher CP, comparing with Tha pra stylo and Cavalcade. The vegetative parts of KVC7 and KKU60 were recommended to use as feed stuff for the ruminants.


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Pootaeng-on, Y., Kimsri, N., Sooksom, S., Tangchaitam, S., & Na Chiangmai, P. (2015). Condensed Tannins in Some Tropical Legumes Residue. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 9(1), 51–60.
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