Atherosclerosis and NADPH Oxidase

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Nushjira Pongnimitprasert


Vascular diseases including coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular diseasesare the largest cause of mortality and morbidity. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), especially superoxide (O2•-)have been implicated in the pathogenesis of virtually every stage of vascular lesion formation in atherosclerosis.Atherosclerosis is a disease affecting arterial blood vessels. It is a chronic inflammatory response in thewalls ofarteries, in large part to the deposition of lipoproteins (plasma proteins that carry cholesterol and triglycerides).Oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) was injurious to arterywall cells and suggested that LDL oxidationmight be important in atherogenesis. Among the potential sources of ROS, the NADPH oxidases appear to beespecially important for redox signalling and indeed possess several biochemical properties thatmake themwellsuited for involvement in signal transduction. The NADPH oxidase systemplays a key role in generating ROS,including O2•- and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in phagocytic cells, fibroblasts, vascular smoothmuscle cells, andendothelial cells. The NADPHoxidase systemis regulated systemically in veins and arteries, which strengthensthe importance of the molecular regulation of the enzyme in cardiovascular disease (CVD), especiallyatherosclerosis.


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How to Cite
Pongnimitprasert, N. (2013). Atherosclerosis and NADPH Oxidase. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 3(1), 13–24.
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