Influence of Solvents Used for Cassava Rhizome Pretreatment on Fast Pyrolysis Products

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อดิศักดิ์ ปัตติยะ


Three solvents including water, hexane and acetone were used to pretreat cassava rhizome. The pretreated biomass samples had lower extractives content compared to the non-extracted one. The pretreated samples together with the original biomass were fast pyrolysed in a fluidised bed reactor producing bio-oil, char and gas. The results showed that after extraction with water, hexane and acetone, the yields of total bio-oil, heavy bio-oil and gas increased at the expense of light bio-oil and char yields. A maximum total bio-oil yield of 54 wt% was achieved when using water as solvent. Based on the property analyses, all solvents hardly affect the pH, solids content, ash content and density of bio-oils. However, hexane and acetone could increase the bio-oil heating value. In addition, the flash point, fire point, hydrogen and oxygen contents were increased by the solvent extraction, whereas the carbon content of bio-oil reduced except when using acetone.

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How to Cite
ปัตติยะ อ., “Influence of Solvents Used for Cassava Rhizome Pretreatment on Fast Pyrolysis Products”, sej, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 106–117, Aug. 2018.
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