Social and Cultural Capitals for Managing Cultural Tourisms of Ethnic’s Community in Luangnamtha Province, Lao PDR.

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ธัญญลักษณ์ แซ่เลี้ยว


This objective of this research was to study the social capital, specifically local wisdom and the ecological community that can be used to manage ethnic tourism in Luang Nam Tha, Lao PDR, as well as the development of mechanisms for cooperation to deepen ties with ethnic communities in neighboring countries. This investigation used the integrated research methodology of quantitative research using the tourist questionnaire and participatory action research to collect data; in-depth interviews and participatory observation of the four communities in Luang Nam Tha, Lao PDR; Namha-Tasae, Wiang Ner, Pearng Ngam and Nam Dee Village, as well as organization of a learning exchange process for the community.

The research found that the communities in Luang Nam Tha have the potential for natural resources, human resources and cultural-social capital, the cornerstone of economic and social development of the community. This also included knowledge in various dimensions that are fundamental to human life. Moreover each community can use and adapt the knowledge to create a community-based tourism program and link the network of relationships with tourism networks in neighboring communities in Thailand. The cooperation mechanisms for linking community-based tourism to neighboring countries would require coordination and assistance from various corporate networks, both public and private. The results also suggested that cultural tourism is also a proactive tool and strategy for driving community-based tourism for the sustainability of international tourism. Essentially, the community must be involved in the research and building mechanisms within the community, and build a partnership agreement to develop future tourism.

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