Participatory Action Research for Customers of the Developing Health Market

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อติญาณ์ ศรเกษตริน
รุ่งนภา จันทรา
ชุลีพร หีตอักษร



The purpose of this participatory action research was to study customers of the developing Health Market. The sample included health volunteers, the market committee, consumers, operators in the market and health personnel. This participatory action research was composed of 5 steps: 1) Analysis for Developing the Health Market needs. The participants need clean market development, good atmosphere, food quality and health market activity; 2) Planning activities. These offered four events, including physical activities, food safety education, event health check and Thai Traditional way of eating 3) The process stage with cooperation from health volunteers, the market committee, consumers, operators in          the market and health personnel. 4) Reflecting on the practice to join the consideration received from the activities where they found every activity was good, useful and moved the project on 5) evaluation. Data were collected by a group discussion which found that results of the healthy market development were developed and progressed in 4 activities : physical activities, food safety education, event health check and Thai Traditional way of eating.  The Satisfaction evaluation of consumers showed they were highly satisfied.

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