The Effect of Marketing Mix on the Customer Decision Making in Buying Buddha Amulets at the SC Plaza Amulet Center, the Southern Bus Terminal, Bangkok

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สุรเดช ว่องเจริญพร


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the opinion level on the marketing mix; and 2) examine the relationship between the marketing mix and the customer decision making in buying Buddha amulets at the SC Plaza Amulet Center, the Southern Bus Terminal, Bangkok. The research sample consisted of 400 individuals who used to buy Buddha amulets at the SC Plaza Amulet Center, the Southern Bus Terminal, Bangkok. They were obtained via convenient sampling. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaire and analyzed with descriptive statistics including percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested with the statistics including, mean, and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation. The research findings showed that product and place were the marketing mix that was rated at a high level whereas price and promotion were rated at a medium level. The results of the hypotheses testing revealed that the marketing mix including product, price, place, and promotion had a relationship with the customer decision making in buying Buddha amulets in terms of the amount of money paid each time, frequency of buying, and the quantity of the Buddha amulets bought, with a 0.01 and 0.05 level of statistical significance.

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