การขับเคลื่อนชุมชนเพื่อส่งเสริมผู้สูงอายุให้ใช้ชีวิตอย่างมีความสามารถ ในพื้นที่ตำบลหนองแหน อำเภอพนมสารคาม จังหวัดฉะเชิงเทรา (Community Mobilization for Promoting Active Aging in Nongnae Sub-district Phanom Sarakham District Chachoengsao Province)

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จรัสศรี หัวใจ (Jarassri Huajai)


The research objectives were 1) to study basic information, problems, anxiety and need assessment of elderly club’s member 2) develop activities for community mobilization for promoting active aging. 3) guideline to community mobilization for promoting active aging. Data collected by interviewing. The sample groups were 329 from elderly club’s member in Nongnae Subdistrict, was selected by 

simple random sampling. Content analysis, frequency and percentage were used to analyze the data.

    The research findings were:

             1. Nongnae Subdistrict is semi-rural community The elderly have a need assessment to learn and practice for increasing income and welfare benefits of the elderly. Adjusting the home environment to be safe and social change

  1. Activities for community mobilization for promoting active aging that developed were for health, participation, and security that make elderly happy, participate in community activities, increasing income and home environment to be suitable.

  2. Factors that make community mobilization for promoting active aging successful were club leader, the community has culture, wisdom and resources. Guideline to community mobilization for promoting active aging was to communicate and participate with another elderly club both in Thailand and University of the third age for lifelong learning.

 Keywords: Elderly / Community Mobilization / Active Aging   

Article Details



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