
  • ศิริรัตน์ โกศการิกา คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์


The CEO Branding Mix


This research aims to 1) to examine personal factors which influences decision on stock purchasing in the Stock Exchange of Thailand of investors and (2) to study the relationship between The CEO Branding Mix and buying decision process towards stock in the Stock Exchange of Thailand of investors. The questionnaires were collected from 385investors who had traded securities during 2017-2018.The hypotheses are tested with t-test, F-test, LSD, and Pearson's correlation coefficient at a statistical significance level of 0.05.

The study of this sample found that most of the sample are male; age between 26-30 years old; Bachelor's degree; employee and having income more than 30,000 THB per month. The sample gives the most significance at the average of 4.42 and 4.37 on the significance level of the performance and prestige by these two factors are sorted into CEO reputation and gives more significance at the average of 3.63 on the significance level of decision buy stock in the Stock Exchange of Thailand of investors. Results of the hypotheses found that (1) age, status, and education level affect buying decision process stock in the Stock Exchange of Thailand of investors. Older investors have higher problem recognition and evaluation of alternatives than younger investors. Married investors have higher problem recognition and evaluation of alternatives than single or divorced investors. Post graduate investors have higher purchase decision and post purchase behavior than undergraduate and Bachelor's degree investors.(2) The CEO Branding Mix is significantly correlated to the buying decision process in the same direction. The CEO Branding Mix is significantly correlated to evaluation of alternatives at 24.8%, information search at 17.1%, and problem recognition at 13.6%.


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