
  • ประภาศรี ถนอมธรรม คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏชัยภูมิ


roduction development of Mud dyed cotton, Knowledge management, Local wisdom, Wisdom of cotton weaving


This research aims to study the process in the cotton mud-dyed production of cotton production group at Muang district, Chaiyaphum Province and develop the cotton mud dyed production of cotton production group at Muang district, Chaiyaphum. This research was a qualitative research. The target group were Ban Saeiw Noi ladies and the weaving silk Ban Nawang ladies moo 10, the stakeholder and prototype in natural fermented mud at Muang district, Chaiyaphum by purposive sampling. The tools were in depth interviews questionnaire and small group discussions.

The results showed that the process in the cotton mud dyed production of cotton production of 2 groups were different from the prototype as follows the weaving silk Ban Saeiw Noi ladies get the mud from the paddy fields to the buffalo feces and urines at the first and soaked eucalyptus leaves one night for persevering dye. The weaving silk Ban Nawang ladies moo 10 who get the mud from the pond filter for clean after getting the waving cotton mud dye. The development of cotton mud dyed production is a result of the dyeing prototype of the dyeing weaving group Nong Bua Daeng experimental prototype production process of Nong Bua Daeng natural dyeing weaving group. Then, the knowledge of cotton mud fabric was developed. After that, the production process was evaluated by group discussion by the experts in the production of cotton mud dyed fabric prototype of Nong Bua Daeng. After that, the experts in dyeing from Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University and the experts in dyeing and weaving from the community discussed and shared with the two groups. As a result, the exchange of knowledge with the two groups created the learning and transfer of knowledge between prototype groups. The professors of dyeing from Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University and weaving experts from the community to the two groups’ joint in this project. As a result, the development of cotton mud fabric of the Ban Saeiw Noi silk weaving group and Ban Na Wang silk weaving group, No. 10.


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