The Influence of Incentive Travel that Impact on Purchase Intention with an Insurance Company in Thailand

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ศุภัตรา ฮวบเจริญ
้เพชรรัตน์ วิริยะสืบพงศ์


               This study aims 1. To study the important perception factors of incentive travel with insurance company. 2. To study incentive travel factors that influence on purchase intention with insurance company. This quantitative study was initially started by conducting the literature reviews for formulating the questionnaire as a data collection tool. The questionnaire consists of four parts include personal information, incentive travel factors, purchase intention and suggestion. It has 40 items measured by 5-point Likert scale ranked from 1 (least important) to 5 (most important). The respondents of this study were life insurance agents in Bangkok, Thailand. Sampling technique was used probability sampling, the sampling method using Taro Yamane (1967). Totally collected 400 respondents who have insurance-license only. The data will analyzed by descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation (SD); and multiple regression. As a result, show the important perception factors of incentive travel with insurance company including eight factors as attraction, facility, accessibility, destination image, price, safety, service and promotion. There are only four factors that can be used to predict purchase intention with insurance company as Y = .980 +.155 X8** + .235 X4** + .171 X1** + .140 X7*; X8 = Promotion; X4 = Destination Image; X1 = Attractions; X7 = Service; that impact on dependent variable 29.4%. The highest ranked score is promotion, destination image, attractions and service, respectively.

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How to Cite
ฮวบเจริญ ศ., & วิริยะสืบพงศ์ ้. (2018). The Influence of Incentive Travel that Impact on Purchase Intention with an Insurance Company in Thailand. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 13(2), 107–119. Retrieved from
Research Article


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