Khonkaen Mice Industry Development Towards Leading Mice City of Thailand

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Dudsadee Chuaysook
Donruetai Kovathanakul


This article aims to study and analyze the capacity of MICE industry in Khon Kaen, and also to propose suggestions on how to improve the potentials of Khon Kaen for becoming a MICE city of Thailand. The process in this study involves both qualitative and quantitative research method. The research instruments include a questionnaire and an in-depth interview. It was found that Khon Kaen has great potential of its location which is on the East-West Economic Corridor or EWEC leading to an advantage in terms of transportation and logistics connecting other ASEAN countries. Moreover, Khon Kaen is the center of commerce, investment, academics, and medical care. In the overall image of potentials for MICE industry, it was also found that Khon Kaen is ready and able to become a MICE city of Thailand. And to ensure that the province can be a competitive MICE city, what should be improved are: MICE personnel, the standard of MICE industry, cooperation within the area, infrastructure and facilities, and tourism in Khon Kaen

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How to Cite
Chuaysook, D., & Kovathanakul, D. (2015). Khonkaen Mice Industry Development Towards Leading Mice City of Thailand. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 10(1), 15–29. Retrieved from
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