The Development Guidelines for Destination Attraction and Tourism Activities of Li Jiang, The Celestial Dragon Village in Suphanburi Province

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Pongpichan Suaungkawatin


          The purposes of this research were to (1) study individual characters that effect on tourists’ satisfaction at Li Jiang, the Celestial Dragon Village in Suphanburi, (2) study tourist attractions, tourist activities, the physical environment and service area that affected on tourists’ satisfaction and the tendency of tourism in the future, (3) study the relationship between the tourists’ satisfaction and behavior at Li Jiang, the Celestial Dragon Village, (4) study tourist behavior that affects on the tendency of tourism in the future at Li Jiang, the Celestial Dragon Village,5) study the tendency of tourism in the future that affects on suggestion or telling to tourists at Li Jiang, the Celestial Dragon Village in the future, (6) study the ways to develop tourist attractions, tourist activities, physical environment and services at Li Jiang, the Celestial Dragon Village in Suphanburi. Research design: Quantitative and Qualitative. The samples consisted of tourists and service staff group. The research instruments for collecting data were questionnaire and depth interview. The statistics for analyzing data were Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test, F test, Multiple Regression Analysis, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The research results were found as follows:
On Quantitative results:
          Most of the tourists are female, whose age below 25, their occupations were students in the bachelor’s degree and their salaries were approximately 15,000 baht per month. Tourists ‘opinion towards tourist attractions at Li Jiang, the Celestial Dragon Village was good in total, physical environment and service area was good in total. Total satisfaction in Li Jiang, the Celestial Dragon Village was at the satisfied level. Frequency of tourists’ behavior was about 2 times per year and their expenses were 500 to 1,000 baht a time. On average, they spent 2 hours time. The tendency of tourism in the future was good.
On Qualitative results:
          The results from the interview, in total there was tourist information about tourist attractions in the provincial level. There were presentations of Chinese history in tourist activities. The environment of tourist attractions was modern. The personnel always looked after tourist attractions and made them clean and beautiful.

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How to Cite
Suaungkawatin, P. (2015). The Development Guidelines for Destination Attraction and Tourism Activities of Li Jiang, The Celestial Dragon Village in Suphanburi Province. Journal of Thai Hospitality and Tourism, 10(1), 59–70. Retrieved from
Research Article


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