A Study of Palliative Care Nursing Outcomes Quality Indicators, Patients with Cancer in the Terminal Stage


  • เกศินี พุทธมนต์ Chulabhorn Hospital
  • กัญญดา ประจุศิลป Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University


palliate care, cancer in terminal stage, nursing outcome, quality indicators


              The purpose of this research was to identify the palliative care nursing outcomes quality indication for patients with cancer in the terminal stage by using the Delphi technique. Eighteen experts agreed to participate in this research related to care patients with cancer in the terminal stages. The questionnaires were developed by the researcher and used as the research instrument with modified Delphi technique. They were developed in 3 major steps. Step 1: Using semi-open ended questionnaires, the experts were asked to identify the nursing outcomes quality indicators for patients with cancer in the terminal stages. Step 2: The data received from the first stage was analyzed to develop the rating scale questionnaires. Step 3: Questionnaire items were analyzed by using the median and interquartile range, then sent back to the experts for their confirmation.

            According to the research, the palliative care nursing outcomes quality indicators for patients with cancer in the terminal stage comprised 6 categories and 37 indicators: 1) Pain relief of the patient (5 indicators); 2) Relief of physical disturbances of the patient (8 indicators); 3) The safety of the patient from complications (4 indicators); 4) The responses of mental, phychosocial, and spiritual needs of the patient and family (5 indicators); 5) Coping and adaptation of the patient and family (8 indicators); and 6) Coping with the dying of the patient and family (7 indicators).


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บทความวิจัย (Research Report)