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นรินทร์ เจริญพันธ์



Broken rice is a by-product from rice milling that has high protein, low fat and low fiber.  The objective of this research was to investigate the proper ratios of broken Thai Jasmine Rice flour and fresh longan flesh on quality of cake. The volume, water activity, color measurement and sensory evaluation by 30 untrained panelists were investigated.  The results showed that the volume of cake directly changed with the amount of broken rice flour. Obviously, the formula with the highest content of fresh longan flesh had the highest water activity value and lowest lightness. The optimum formulation of cake is composed of 75 g broken rice flour, 25 g fresh longan flesh, 60 g fresh milk, 1.5 g baking powder, 1.5 g yeast, 20 g salted butter, 40 g sugar and 20 g whole egg, respectively. Apparently, it had the highest score of sensory evaluation in terms of test, texture and overall liking. This formula was further developed into “look choub” cake and its sensory evaluation by 100 untrained panelists was studied.  The developed cake had overall liking scores of 7.88 (or like moderately). Overall, “look choub” cake from broken Thai Jasmine Rice flour was an interesting product that can be developed to industrial scale in the future. 

Keywords: broken rice; cake; flour; longan

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Biological Sciences
Author Biography

นรินทร์ เจริญพันธ์

คณะเทคโนโลยีการเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา วิทยาเขตสระแก้ว ถนนสุวรรณศร อำเภอวัฒนานคร จังหวัดสระแก้ว 27160


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