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กัญญารัตน์ เหลืองประเสริฐ
ไกรยศ แซ่ลิ้ม



In this study, the effect of hot water-calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution on quality attributes evaluation during storage of fresh-cut cantaloupe was investigated. Whole fruits of cantaloupe were immersed in 1 % (w/v) CaCl2 solution at 60 ºC for 45 min and stored at 5±2 ºC and 84±2 % relative humidity (RH) for 0, 5 and 10 days. Whole fruits withdrawn from each storage times were cut and also maintained at 5±2 ºC and 84±2 % RH for 4 days. Quality attributes of fresh-cut cantaloupe were monitored during storage period. Cantaloupes treated with CaCl2/60 ºC for 10 days had significantly higher sensory scores for acceptability, texture, flavor, odor and pulp color than controls (untreated solution). Firmness values of cantaloupe pulp was correlated with sensory scores for texture. No significant difference was observed in chroma and hue values of cantaloupes treated and untreated with CaCl2/60 ºC, whereas CaCl2/60 ºC treatment significantly reduced the electrolyte leakage and respiration rate compared to controls. Therefore, the application of CaCl2/60 ºC could be used to reduce rate of changes of quality characteristics of fresh-cut cantaloupe and extend the shelf-life of cantaloupe. 

Keywords: cantaloupe; hot water treatment; calcium chloride; sensory evaluation

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Biological Sciences
Author Biographies

กัญญารัตน์ เหลืองประเสริฐ

คณะเทคโนโลยีการเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา วิทยาเขตสระแก้ว ถนนสุวรรณศร อำเภอวัฒนานคร จังหวัดสระแก้ว 27160

ไกรยศ แซ่ลิ้ม

คณะเทคโนโลยีการเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา วิทยาเขตสระแก้ว ถนนสุวรรณศร อำเภอวัฒนานคร จังหวัดสระแก้ว 27160


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