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นรินทร์ เจริญพันธ์
กฤษณา โสภี


This research aimed to optimize the formula to produce healthy drinks from mushrooms and longan. The eleven formulations of healthy drinks from mushrooms (Lingzhi mushroom, Shiitake mushroom and Lion's Mane mushroom) and longan consisting of mushrooms and longan juice (50-80 %), white jelly mushroom (0-40 %) and sugar (0-15 %) were studied by using mixture design. Sensory evaluation by 30 untrained panelists were investigated. Obviously, a suitable formulation of healthy drinks from mushrooms and longan was 64 % mushrooms and longan juice, 28 % white jelly mushroom and 8 % sugar. This formulation had the highest score of overall liking (7.47±0.51). Moreover, all score of appearance (7.17±0.83), taste (7.37±0.56), texture (7.30±0.70) and flavor (7.57±0.73) were moderate. Furthermore, the satiable ratio of carrageenan with pectin were studied. The results showed that the product with 0.5 % carrageenan and 1.5 % pectin had the highest average appearance (7.57±0.63), texture (7.57±0.73) and overall liking (7.67±0.66) score. It was found that by using stevia and maltitol syrup instead of sugar in the production of healthy drinks from mushrooms and longan, a sensory evaluation score was not different from that of using sugar. In conclusion, healthy drinks from mushrooms and longan is an interesting option for health-conscious consumers.

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Biological Sciences
Author Biographies

นรินทร์ เจริญพันธ์

คณะเทคโนโลยีการเกษตร มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา วิทยาเขตสระแก้ว ถนนสุวรรณศร อำเภอวัฒนานคร จังหวัดสระแก้ว 27160

กฤษณา โสภี

ศูนย์ฝึกและพัฒนาอาชีพราษฎรไทยบริเวณชายแดนสระแก้ว ตำบลท่าเกษม อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดสระแก้ว 27000


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