Effects of health care for institutional care by participation of care giver, Na Yea District, Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • Jit Mangmee Na Yea Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province


institutional care, participation, care giver, care management program


Elderly have less self-help or self-help statistically, leading to higher bedside status. If these elderly people are well cared they can live in conventionally with good physical and mental health. Not suffering from a deterioration of the body and not a burden on the caregivers. The researcher studied the effects of health care for institutional care by the participation of care giver. This research using the program to care for the institutional care. Objectives are compare the knowledge and behavior of care giver in institutional care between the experimental group and the control group before and after the experiment. Comparison of institutional care in the experimental group and the control group before and after the experiment. Samples size of institutional care in Na Yea district Ubon Ratchathani there were 92 cases are in the experimental group 46 cases and 46 cases in the control group. The instruments used in the study were the elderly care management program for institutional care. The reliability are 0.80, 0.81 and institutional care assessment form. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, Paired Sample t-test, and Independent t-test. Result of research the experimental group and the control group had a statistically significant difference at 0.001. After the experiment, the mean score was higher than the control group of 1.04. The experimental group and the control group after the experiment were significantly different at 0.001. The mean score of the experimental group was 3.73 points higher than the control group. The mean score after the experiment was 4.23 points compare between experimental before and after severe dependence symptoms was reduced from 10 to 6 and 4 cases of them severe to moderate dependent. After the experimental there were 4 cases with better health status.


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How to Cite

Mangmee, J. (2019). Effects of health care for institutional care by participation of care giver, Na Yea District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(1), 86–95. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubruphjou/article/view/211525

