The Competitiveness of Thailand and Vietnam’s Rice Export to China

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Khosawan Kongkamnerd


Rice is the major export product of Thailand to China. However, in the past few years, exports have slowed down while Vietnam has been growing dramatically in both production and export. Lead to tougher competition, we studied the competitiveness performances of Vietnam rice and Thai rice in the Chinese market. The objective was to compare the competitiveness of rice between Thailand and Vietnam. We evaluated the international Trade Comparative Index: Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and Comparative Export Performance (CEP). We included the elasticities of the Thai and Vietnamese rice export prices which factored by Multiple Regression Equation Model. We found that both Thailand and Vietnam had a comparative advantage in exporting rice. However, the export price in Thailand was in the opposite direction with the export of Thai rice to China. In Vietnam, the export price of rice was closely related to the export of Thai rice to China. The price elasticity of demand of Thai and Vietnamese was -2.344, and the cross price elasticity of demand was 1.265. Therefore, the study compiles certain policy proposals that could help improve the potential of Thai rice in the Chinese market.

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How to Cite
Kongkamnerd, K. (2019). The Competitiveness of Thailand and Vietnam’s Rice Export to China. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 39(4), 18–32. Retrieved from
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