Development to enhance the potentiality in business management for Chiang Mai cultural tourism communities

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Kanchana Sura


The objectives of this study were to (1) analyze the potentialities of Chiang Mai cultural tourism management; (2) develop the potentialities of Chiang Mai cultural tourism and (3) recommend guidelines to enhance the potentialities of cultural tourism in business management. Sample groups consisted of committees and members, totally 120 privates of 5 from 35 cultural tourism communites in Chiang Mai who were interestd and joined in the development project.  Research methodology involved 3 stages; stage 1 was to analyze the potentiality in business management of local cultural tourism by SWOT analysis, focus group discussion with 30 key informants. Stage 2 was to develop the potentiality in local cultural tourism management by training, exchange opinions and knowledge between 5 experts and 5 local cultural tourism communities. Stage 3 was to recommend guidelines to raise the potentiality in business management of local cultural tourism. They exchange knowledge and opinions among 144 participants. The result for the 1st objective showed that most communities have organizational structure which were clearly set up with good unity among members. Most communities have good knowledge in culture and traditions of their communities and could make them as the selling point. The opportunities were that they have their tourism resources which can be used as tourism program. They were supported in knowledge, budget and public relations by other organizations. Their weaknesses were that they lack knowledge and abilities in business management such as organizational, marketing and financial management. Their threats were that they confronted high competition among the same entrepreneurs. They also have no connection with other entrepreneurs and communities. The result for the 2nd objective showed that their potential management were greatly improved particularly human resource management were more improved than other management. However, their potentialities in financial management were moderately improved. The result for the 3rd objective was guidelines to enhance the potentiality in business management were that they should improve their abilities in language, learn the success from other communities and apply in their operations and also use technology to publicize tourism more widely.


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How to Cite
Sura, K. (2019). Development to enhance the potentiality in business management for Chiang Mai cultural tourism communities. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 39(4), 89–114. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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