Collaboration between nursing service and nursing education for quality of nursing service

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ประนอม รอดคำดี
พัชรี ประไพพิณ


Collaboration between nursing service and nursing education is the process of respectful commitment, strongly and continuously between the two agencies. Both organizations agree for sharing along with the utilization of resources and working methods, in caring for the nursing students who are learning in clinical settings. They cooperate for developing effective learning environment, having the same education standard as the other professions. The collaboration models between nursing service division and nursing education have been developed to be appropriate for the context of each organization, and improved according to changing population health problems, medical sciences and technology advancement,health care service costs, and new generation students’ learning styles. The desirable characteristics of nursing graduates can ensure the quality of nursing service for society.

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รอดคำดี ป., & ประไพพิณ พ. (2018). Collaboration between nursing service and nursing education for quality of nursing service. Vajira Nursing Journal, 20(2), 42–49. Retrieved from
Review article


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