Issues and Nurses’ Role in the Care for Relatives of Critically Ill Patients in The Urban Society

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Niramon Lhaosupab
Naphatthorn Prueksaanantakal
Parnduangjai Thaidumrongdet


Critical illness is a threat to the life of the patients. Illness crisis directly effects on not only the patient’s life, but also the critical illness patients’ relatives. Living in the urban society, especially a city has a heavy traffic problem produces a problems to the family members, such as not able to visit the hospital on time. This contributes to the less cares from their relatives, inadequate receiving the information from healthcare providers, and lack of social supports. The relatives of critically ill patients may experience stress from this situation. Therefore, nurse must understand the characteristics of this urban community and promote the family members’ critically ill patients to more participate in the care. For example, it can add more an extension of visiting time, the information via the telephone, and collaboration between multidisciplinary care team in order to support the relatives of critically ill patients living in the urban community can confront and overcome crisis situations.

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How to Cite
Lhaosupab, N., Prueksaanantakal, N., & Thaidumrongdet, P. (2019). Issues and Nurses’ Role in the Care for Relatives of Critically Ill Patients in The Urban Society. Vajira Nursing Journal, 21(2), 100–109. Retrieved from
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