Isolation and Screening of Bacterial Antagonistic for Controlling Aspergillus flavus การคัดแยกและคัดเลือกเชื้อแบคทีเรียปฏิปักษ์ในการควบคุมเชื้อรา Aspergillus flavus

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วาสนา เนียมแสวง


    Antagonist bacteria were isolated from soil for determination of antifungal potential. Antagonistic activities of 48 isolates on Aspergillus flavus were evaluated by dual culture technique. The results indicated that 5 isolates, IKPS 4, IKPS 27, IKPS 36, IKPS 42 and IKPS 46 exhibited the highest antifungal activities, which was isolate IKPS 4 gave the highest activity at 56.67±8.819%. Isolate IKPS 4 was identified as Bacillus sp. The best condition of antifungal substance production was optimized for 96 hrs at pH 7.0, 30 oC. The poisoned food method was conducted to evaluate antifungal activity of the bacterial culture supernatant. At the concentration of 100% supernatant, the highest antifungal activity (65.01±15.28%) was observed. Morphology of A. flavus under light microscope indicated that the effected mycelium was smaller and shorter than unaffected mycelium. Growth inhibition of fungal on seeds were conducted by dip coating method. The seeds coated with the culture supernatant at 100 and 50.00% concentrations had the highest fungal growth inhibition at 3 days.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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