The Study of Fanpage Members' Behaviors of Using Facebook in Low-Cost Airlines' Fanpage

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Mongkon Sophon
Vipawan Klinhom


This paper was a survey research aimed to analyze the behavior of using low-cost airlines' Facebook online social media of fanpage members and to analyze the factors that were correlated with the using low-cost airlines' Facebook online social media of fanpage members including personal factors and attitudes. The sample groups were 120 members of Nok Air’s fanpage and 280 members of Thai AirAsia’s fanpage. The instrument used for data collection was online questionnaire and the collected data were analyzed by statistical applications, both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results showed that the most of the sample were male, single, an undergraduate level students. Aged between 25-30 years old, they have monthly income of less than 15,001 baht. A snapshot of attitudes in overview of Facebook online social media, an information from Facebook online social media, and an administrator of fanpage were in good level. The most known airlines' fanpage after used of low-cost airlines services, via the website of Facebook, they used of Facebook online social media in the period 06:01 to 09:00 PM, with the rate of used less than 2 times a week, each time it took less than 15 minutes, most were using Facebook online social media at home with personal computer. Most focused on the Facebook social media to track promotion from the airline. The result of hypothesis testing showed that personal factors of low-cost airlines' fanpage members were correlated with behavior of using Facebook online social media in the medium level. Attitudes of low-cost airlines' fanpage members were correlated with behavior of using Facebook online social media in the low level and same direction. And attitudes towards Facebook online social media of fanpage members between Nok Air and Thai AirAsia was different with 95 percent of confidence interval.

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How to Cite
Sophon, M., & Klinhom, V. (2016). The Study of Fanpage Members’ Behaviors of Using Facebook in Low-Cost Airlines’ Fanpage. WMS Journal of Management, 4(1), 23–38. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Mongkon Sophon

Sophon Technology School 64, Sri Thammasok Rd., Tambon Nai-Mueang, Aumphur Mueang, Nakhon Si Thammarat, 80000

Vipawan Klinhom

School of Management, Walailak University


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