The Perception of Exemplary Leadership of Toyota Dealers’ Management in Thailand

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Supharuk Aticomsuwan
Somchuen Nakplang


The purpose of this research study were (1) to study the perception level of Exemplary Leadership of Toyota Dealers’ Management in Thailand; (2) to compare the perception level of Exemplary Leadership of Toyota Dealers’ Management in Thailand both in overall and according to gender, age, position, and department.  A quantitative method was used for this study and the population were the staff working at Toyota Dealers in Thailand.  The sample of this study were 930 persons and the questionnaires have been completed which representing a response rate at 53.76%. The statistic program were used to analyze the data which were mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-way ANOVA.

The results found that (1) the perception level of exemplary leadership of Toyota Dealers’ Management in Thailand had high level in overall and every aspect of Exemplary Leadership; and (2) the comparison of the perception level of Exemplary Leadership of Toyota Dealers’ Management in Thailand both in overall and each aspect of Exemplary leadership differing by gender, age, position, and department, Staffs were perceived differentially significantly statistical at the level of .05

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How to Cite
Aticomsuwan, S., & Nakplang, S. (2016). The Perception of Exemplary Leadership of Toyota Dealers’ Management in Thailand. WMS Journal of Management, 4(1), 39–50. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Supharuk Aticomsuwan

Department of Human and Community Resource Development (HCRD) Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen Campus

Somchuen Nakplang

Independent Scholars, Senior Advisor in Business Investment and Management


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