The Combining of Marketing Mix Significance Levels and Geographic Information System to Selecting External Dormitories A Case Study of Graduate Students in Walailak University

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Tapanee Treeratanaporn


This research aimed to evaluate the levels of significant factors of marketing mixes which affected to making decision on their dormitories outside the university and to compare the significant factors which affected to the selecting their dormitories in order to input to the Geographic Information System. The target group included 378 undergraduate students by using convenience sampling technique. The research instrument was the questionnaire which has 5 rating scale. The frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-Test and ANOVA were adopted for data analysis.     The overall results of the significant factor levels in the marketing mix which affected to the selecting dormitories were high. When considering each factor, it revealed that six factors including prices, process, physical evidence, product, people, and promotion were high respectfully. Only place or distribution was moderate. When we have already known significant factor levels which affected to selecting dormitories, the significant factor levels were inputs in Geographic Information System. However, the good Geographic Information System for deciding dormitories cannot stand alone. It should have the main responsible person from a university to input, edit and post the dormitory information on website. The university should have a good relationship or connection to the outside dormitories for exchange students’ news and for controlling and taking care students together.

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How to Cite
Treeratanaporn, T. (2016). The Combining of Marketing Mix Significance Levels and Geographic Information System to Selecting External Dormitories A Case Study of Graduate Students in Walailak University. WMS Journal of Management, 4(1), 61–72. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biography

Tapanee Treeratanaporn

Information Technology Program, School of Informatics, Walailak University


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