The Development of Marketing Strategy of Corporate University through Benchmarking

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Uraphen Yimprasert
Nata Tubtimcharoon


This research is conducted in quantitative method with objectives including 1) to study the best practice of marketing strategy of educational institutes where relate to business 2) to develop educational institutes’ marketing strategy with benchmarking approach. In studying marketing strategy will be associated with 7P’s marketing mix consisting of product or service, price, place or distribution channel, marketing promotion, people, process and physical evidence. Research’s population comprises 1) current students in educational institutes where relate to business 2) The office of Organizational Communication representatives in marketing strategy policy sector and 3) best practitioners in front office who are servicing customers. Sample size refers to Krejice and Morgan’s sampling table (Krejcie & Morgan, 1970). Research tool is 10 levels of rating scale questionnaire in order to estimate capacity in responding decision’s factors. Related statistics in analyzing data is descriptive statistics. Research results in study marketing strategy related to 7P’s market mix are that 1) Product or academic curriculum/ fields and service of institute part; overall response is in a level of very high proficiency, average rate is 7.01 2) Price or study fee, credits fee and institutional scholarship; overall response is in a level of high proficiency, average rate is 6.78 3) Place and buildings of institute; overall response is also in a level of high proficiency, average rate is 7.09. Most of samplings, 23.29 percentages use mixed media, poster in searching information to consider the place for studying 4) Marketing promotion operation; overall response is also in a level of high proficiency, average rate is 7.08 5) People or lecturer; overall response is also in a level of high proficiency, average rate is 7.02 6) Institute’ services ; overall response is in a level of high proficiency, average rate is 7.02  7) Tangible perceiving part; overall response is also in a level of high proficiency, average rate is 7.08, and feeling with institute; overall response is also in a level of high proficiency, too, average rate is 7.18. Recommendations for further research is that they should to conduct sub context in improving marketing strategy of educational institutes where relate to business and being learning networks by benchmarking approach such as levels of individual study fields or differences of students.

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How to Cite
Yimprasert, U., & Tubtimcharoon, N. (2016). The Development of Marketing Strategy of Corporate University through Benchmarking. WMS Journal of Management, 4(2), 31–40. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Uraphen Yimprasert

Faculty of Management Sciences, Panyapiwat Institute of Management

Nata Tubtimcharoon

Faculty of Management Sciences, Panyapiwat Institute of Management


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