Knowledge Management Capability and Process Innovation of Marine Shrimp Farm in Southern Thailand

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Somnuk Aujirapongpan
Wicharn La-aiad


            The purpose of this study was to focus on organization factors, resource-based perspective on knowledge management, innovative capabilities, the difference of organization factors on processes innovation, and the relationship between knowledge management capabilities and processes innovation concerning with the marine shrimp farm in the south of Thailand.     

            The results showed that. Marine shrimp farm in the southern part have mostly maintained in 100-200 rai. The most farm culturing on whiteleg shrimps while the production sizes of shrimp are 40-100 pieces per kg. The farms have 21-50 employees and operated more than 15 years. Most enterprising businesses have had a single owner that had no research and development.

            The aspects of resource-based perspective on knowledge management capability include cultures, structures, technologies and human resources perspective regarding to marine shrimp farm in the south and the process innovation of marine shrimp farm. The results showed that the resource-based perspective on knowledge management capability is at high. The capability on cultures and human resources as well as organization structures has been manifested at high levels. While the sides of technologies are intermediate, the capability of process innovation is at high.

             Organization factors (including size of the business, a variety of products, a number of employees, time in business, a model of business, and research and development associated with the capability of Processes Innovation) for marine

shrimp farm and capabilities of process innovation were not significantly different (p<005).

            Hypothesis tests were found that knowledge management capabilities on the view of natural resources and processes innovation for marine shrimp farm were positively correlated with high levels. Interestingly, knowledge management capabilities on human resources showed the high relationship with processes innovation only one side. While knowledge management capabilities associated with cultures resources, structures, and technologies were concerned with process Innovation at intermediate level.

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How to Cite
Aujirapongpan, S., & La-aiad, W. (2016). Knowledge Management Capability and Process Innovation of Marine Shrimp Farm in Southern Thailand. WMS Journal of Management, 4(2), 41–59. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Somnuk Aujirapongpan

School of Management, Walailak University

Wicharn La-aiad

Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL. House No.157/1 Village No.5 Tha Thong sub-district Kanchanadit distric Surat Thani province


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