Situations and Factors Affecting Recession of International Tourism: An Application of Level and Trend Quadrant

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Orawan Tantiragdham
Komkrit Wongkhae


This research aimed to study tourism situation by applying the square part of the level and trend (Level and Trend Quadrant: LTQ) which usually used to study the international competitiveness and using Ordinal Logistic Regression Model  (OLR) to verify factors that influence the degree tourism recession. Data adopted in this study is cross-sectional data of tourism arrival growth between 1995 and 2010 of 102 countries. The results found that the falling further behind countries are Bahamas, Moldova and Benin losing momentum countries are France Germany and Greece catching up countries are Egypt Jordan and Albania and not found countries in moving ahead  and  factors that influence tourism recession are growth of the travel costs and tourism dependency. Higher is growth of tourism expense and tourism dependency and associated with high Level of tourism recession with Significance at o.1 and 0.01 Level respectively.

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How to Cite
Tantiragdham, O., & Wongkhae, K. (2016). Situations and Factors Affecting Recession of International Tourism: An Application of Level and Trend Quadrant. WMS Journal of Management, 3(1), 41–55. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Orawan Tantiragdham

Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Thaksin University Songkhla

Komkrit Wongkhae

Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Thaksin University Songkhla


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