Talent Retention and Intention to Stay of Talented People in an Industrial Estate, Chonburi Province

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Wanpen Petcharat
Pornrat Sadangharn
Athipol Kruapong


This study aims to compare the administrator’s and the employees’ opinions towards the factors affecting the talent retention and intention to stay of talented people in an industrial estate in Chonburi province. The samples of this study can be divided into 2 groups: 1) 105 managers or supervisors and 2) 350 employees who were evaluated excellent from 3 departments (marketing, production, and human resources) from 5 organizations where have been awarded the outstanding enterprise on labor relations and labor welfare for 5 consecutive years. The statistics used for data analysis are Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), and t-test. The findings showed that, holistically, both administrators’ and employees’ opinion towards the factors affecting the talent retention were indifferent 4 aspects. The factors showing indifferent opinion were leadership role, culture and work environment, employee training and development, and growth and earning potential. The relation between the factors of the talent retention and the intention to stay of talented people was holistically positive. The comparison of the administrator’s and the employees’ opinions holistically showed difference at the statistical significance of 0.05. This is because the administrators are not sure whether the employees will work for the organizations extensively and the organizations will not gain the employees’ loyalty. In contrast, the employees think of the organizations as their home which is meaningful for them. They feel as a part of the organizations and they are proud that they work for their organizations.

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How to Cite
Petcharat, W., Sadangharn, P., & Kruapong, A. (2016). Talent Retention and Intention to Stay of Talented People in an Industrial Estate, Chonburi Province. WMS Journal of Management, 2(2), 59–70. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/wms/article/view/52882
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Wanpen Petcharat

Faculty of Management and Tourism, Burapha University

Pornrat Sadangharn

Faculty of Management and Tourism, Burapha University

Athipol Kruapong

Faculty of Management and Tourism, Burapha University


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