The elements of administrative leadership procedure towards faculty excellence: case study of three original public autonomous universities in Thailand

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Vipawan Klinhom


This study explored the elements of administrative leadership procedure as it exists among the middle-level administrators of three original public autonomous universities in Thailand, relating to leading them toward world class excellence. The study used a case study and grounded theory approach. The setting involved theoretical sampling that was used to identify 18 participants who were working as middle-level administrators at the Thai original public autonomous universities. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and document analysis. Based on within-case analysis and followed by cross-case analysis of the interview transcripts, the findings were presented as seventeen elements of administrative leadership procedure towards faculty excellence.

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How to Cite
Klinhom, V. (2016). The elements of administrative leadership procedure towards faculty excellence: case study of three original public autonomous universities in Thailand. WMS Journal of Management, 1(1), 67–78. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biography

Vipawan Klinhom

School of Management,  Walailak University,  Nakhon si Thammarat 80161


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จำเนียร จวงตระกูล 2552. กลยุทธ์การจัดการทรัพยากรมนุษย์: ทฤษฎีและการปฏิบัติ.กรุงเทพฯ: บริษัทศูนย์กฏหมายธุรกิจอินเตอร์เนชั่นแนล จำกัด

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