Economic Valuation of Cultural Landscape Conservation for Muang Uthai Thani River Edges

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Natsiporn Sangyuan
Ruangrai Tokrisna
Danai Thaitakoo
Puntip Jongkroy


The objectives of this study were to assess the economic value of cultural landscape conservation for Muang Uthai Thani River Edges and to propose factors influencing willingness to pay by using the Contingent Valuation Method, and to investigate the sample’s attitudes towards cultural landscape for Muang Uthai Thani River Edges with the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), which was used to compare the attitudes, satisfaction, and awareness of cultural landscape conservation for Muang Uthai Thani River Edges. Data were collected from 400 local people.

            The results showed that for cultural landscape conservation for Muang Uthai Thani River Edges, the 400 samples had willingness to pay at on average 614.41 baht/household/year. Total economic value was 5,503,890.94 baht/year. Factors influencing willingness to pay in positive correlation included education level, monthly income, expense, satisfaction with River Edges, and awareness of cultural landscape conservation but the expense is the factor in the negative correlation. Besides, the sample’s satisfaction with River Edges landscape was at high level (mean= 3.57); the sample’s awareness of cultural landscape conservation was at high level (mean = 3.96). The results of this study could be used as fundamental information to support budget and policy planning for further landscape conservation for Muang Uthai Thani River Edges.

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How to Cite
Sangyuan, N., Tokrisna, R., Thaitakoo, D., & Jongkroy, P. (2017). Economic Valuation of Cultural Landscape Conservation for Muang Uthai Thani River Edges. WMS Journal of Management, 6(2), 7–16. Retrieved from
Research Articles-Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Natsiporn Sangyuan

Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management Center, Kasetsart University

Ruangrai Tokrisna

Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management Center, Kasetsart University

Danai Thaitakoo

Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty Of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University

Puntip Jongkroy

Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kasetsart University


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