Homestay’ Management for Community Identity and Income of Mae Klong River

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พระครูศรีปริยัติวิธาน พระครูศรีปริยัติวิธาน


This research aimed 1) to describe the management of homestays in maintaining the identity and increase revenue to the community Mae Klong 2) to describe their involvement in the management of homestay to maintain its identity and increase revenue for the community, the Mae Klong and 3) to seek the Buddhist principles used in the management of homestay to maintain its identity and increase revenue to the community Mae Klong. The results of research were found that homestay management to manage a network, kinship. Senior managers have a break to members of the network. Do not focus on profitable business. Services with courtesy, sincere smile, talk to become familiar with a virtual visit relatives. Safety, let surfer leisure. This service can be made according to the principle of moderation. Community participation in the network and centralized coordination of distributed tasks to each member in maintaining the identity and increase revenue to the community by serving as a friendly homestay, members of the family, a self-sufficient lifestyle, culture and life style garden. Complete ecosystem, homestay is the community's prosperity and stability, based on the principle that good service is the magnanimous various fields with their practice to fit in as a separate class. Not exploited adherence to moral traditions of Buddhism.

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พระครูศรีปริยัติวิธาน พ. (2015). Homestay’ Management for Community Identity and Income of Mae Klong River. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 6(1), 1–8. Retrieved from
Research Article


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