A Study Strategic Preparation Plan for Thai Nun for Asean Economic Community in B.E. 2558

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แม่ชีสุนีย์ เนียมสวัสดิ์


The Objectives of the research article were to study of the activities under the Institute's mission of nun’s Thai. The availability of the ASEAN (ASEAN) nun of the Institute's mission of nun’s Thai and a model form of preparation for stepping into the ASEAN (ASEAN) of the Institute's mission of nun’s Thai. The samples from two groups of nuns who are executives purposively selected from a group of 37 persons and 240 persons nuns. The multi-stage sampling (Multi-stage sampling) for quantitative data was collected by questionnaire. The qualitative information were collected by seminars and small group meetings. The results showed that current conditions on the activities of institutional mission of nun’s Thai. In the field of education management group and a group of nuns were concerned/ office were involved in the education system, education / non formal education. For the social of community branches offices were involved in social assistance. And the propagation of Buddhism. The branches will act as a center of training and lecturing to public morals. The availability of the ASEAN (ASEAN) in its understanding about ASEAN. Management Group and a group of nuns, most of the knowledge about public ASEAN above average in both overall and side. Most of the availability of personnel executives are prepared to moderate. Those nuns are available at a low level and in the attitude towards ASEAN and availability of IT organizations. Management Group and the nuns of the same opinion. Is moderate for the readiness to support the move towards ASEAN (ASEAN) analysis SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix, presented a strategy to support the transformation of ASEAN. The mission concluded on three areas: education, social and propagation of Buddhism. Include proactive strategies (SO Strategy) development strategy (ST Strategy) Strategic Improvement Organization (WO Strategy) and passive strategies (WT Strategy).

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How to Cite
เนียมสวัสดิ์ แ. (2015). A Study Strategic Preparation Plan for Thai Nun for Asean Economic Community in B.E. 2558. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 6(1), 31–42. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/yri/article/view/173472
Research Article


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