The Effect in Using Bhavana IV in Building Self-immunity an Alcohol Consumption of the Secondary School Students in the Area of Chaiyapum Province

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พระฐิตะวงษ์ อนุตฺตโร


This research study entitled “The Effect in Using Bhavana IV in Building Self-immunity an Alcohol Consumption of the Secondary School Students in the Area of Chaiyapum Province.” is the Quasi-Experimental Research with the objectives to study about the level of practicing along the Development IV in Buddhism of the higher secondary school students for studying the relation on the individual factor and building self-immunity against alcohol consumption and studying the result of practicing along the Development IV in Buddhism of the higher secondary school students towards the building of self- immunity against alcohol consumption. The sample group is the higher secondary school students of both men and women at Nanongthumvidya School, Chaiyabhum province of about 100 persons for the comparative study between before and after practicing along the Development IV. Data collection is by questionnaire and in-dept interview , using statistics to analyze the descriptive data, i.e. percentage, mean, and inferential analytical statistics using t-test and f-test tool. The level of statistic significance using in this analysis is 0.05. The result of research is found that the level before practicing along the Development IV of students is at the moderate level with the mean equal to 3.20, and after practicing is at high level with the mean equal to 4.28. In respect of behavior of building self-immunity against alcohol consumption before joining activity, it is at the moderate level with the mean equal to 3.18, and after practicing having the mean equal to 4.05. From the comparative study of two groups, the difference of statistic significance can be seen at 0.05. From the interview result of students after their joining in the activity of practicing along the Development IV is found that students have their responsible behavior at school and at home, as well as reducing risky behavior from alcohol consumption

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How to Cite
อนุตฺตโร พ. (2014). The Effect in Using Bhavana IV in Building Self-immunity an Alcohol Consumption of the Secondary School Students in the Area of Chaiyapum Province. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 5(2), 1–8. Retrieved from
Research Article


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