The Critique of the Causes of Corruption According to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy

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พระมหาสมเจต สมจารี


This article has objectives to critique the concept of the cause of corruption. Or use the influence in the wrong way. Too many benefits and bureaucracy. That is a cause damage to society and made the system broken. That is the cause of deprived society. Although fraud is detected but no offender can be found. So it is a serious problem. This article, it was found that the cause of corruption. If interpreted according to the concept of Thomas Hobbes and Nikolai Machiavelli are found to have the same view of human selfishness. Because of the foundation of the idea of faith. Man is bad and like to find things as desired In addition, man is also a fool. Letting this thought fall under the rule of desire. But Jean Jacques Rousseau sees that the cause of corruption is caused by external causes, which are the social environment. The basic idea is to believe that human condition is born with good nature. But humans do evil because society is in a state of lack of discipline. There is cruelty and exploitation to each other. The causes of corruption according to Buddhist Theravada philosophy. Seems likely to believe Cause of Corruption It comes from the internal factors as well as the concepts of Hobbes and Machiavelli. In analyzing, Author was found that the concepts of Hobbes and Machiavelli. involve only noble person. For general human. The causes of corruption can occur both internally and externally, namely, Kilesa kama, and external causes such as the object, namely, Vatthu kama, and the environment. Therefore, the framework of thinking about the causes of corruption in Buddhist philosophy has a concept of “Dualism”

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How to Cite
สมจารี พ. (2017). The Critique of the Causes of Corruption According to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 8(2), 135–145. Retrieved from
Research Article


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