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ณัฐหทัย นิรัติศัย


Depressive disorder or cognitive disorder is a common psychiatric disorder for a long time, that unknown and interested in the general public. but nowadays depression has received attention from people in society all over the world. At present, there were about 322 million or 4.4 percent of depression patients in the world. In Thailand, from the 2018 survey, there were as many as 1.5 million depression patients. It can be seen that the number of depressive patients is large. there are many possible causes of depression disorder. There are both biological factors and social factors. In which many symptoms are found about emotional, physical symptoms, movement due to the mind, Thoughts and Relationship. Which these symptoms affect both themselves for work, families, people around you and to society. the treatment methods for depression can be used in many ways such as; medicine, psychotherapy or brain cell stimulation. In addition to medical treatment, depressive patients or those around them can apply Buddhism principles to prevent or treat depression for examples; The Hindrances; (Nivarrana/Nivorn) means of consciousness to become aware of what emotional state is causing depression or aggravating the symptoms of depression. When he was conscious that will be able to correct the cause of problems, Bases of Sympathy; (Sangahavatthu) for those who are close and create trust among patients. Make the patient feel that he is not alone, dare to speak, consult, which helps reduce the risk of suicide, Sublime States of Mind; (Brahmavihara), for people who are close and make the patients understand better. To reduce negative thoughts about patients and prevent stress that causes depression due to take care of patients, etc. The Buddhism principles, in addition to being used with depression patients, can also be applied to people who are around or close to depression patients, because being with depressed patient needs to rely on understand and tolerance, sometimes you can stressful. Therefore, the application of religious teachings can help both depression patients and those around them.

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How to Cite
นิรัติศัย ณ. (2019). THE BUDDHISM PRINCIPLES AND DEPRESSION THERAPY. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 10(2), 303–317. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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