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ปวรุตม์ ฐิติพงศิริกุล


The Objectives of the research article were to study the reasons reflecting the prosperity of Thai Buddhist Temples in overseas. The outcome of this research will be rolled out as a strategic plan to improve the others Thai Buddhist Temples in various places of the world. This research was a mixed method research targeting on the two areas; Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and Republic of Singapore. In terms of quantitative research, the questionnaires were distributed to the local Buddhists or visitors who came to make merit or joined the religious activities at the temples. On the other hand, qualitative research, an interview, had been conducted with the abbots, deputy abbots or the informants and taken data analysis. The results found that the reasons reflecting the prosperity of Thai Buddhist Temples in overseas based on three components: Firstly, enshrines which based on the Normative Theory. Secondly, materialism which based on Business Management Theory. Finally, we found that Business Management Theory can be applied and can be acceptable as to contribute to the prosperity and existence of the temples. However, the Normative Theory has to be promoted in order to maintain and preserve the Buddhist principles and philosophy. The results from this research finally found that the temples and the people involved should adapt themselves to the social civilization and demands in the world of digitalization.

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How to Cite
ฐิติพงศิริกุล ป. (2019). THE PROSPERITY OF THAI BUDDHIST TEMPLES IN OVERSEAS. Journal of Yanasangvorn Research Institute Mahamakut Buddhist University, 10(1), 105–119. Retrieved from
Research Article


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