Hybrid Geographies of River Basin, Fish and People of Baan Kong, Kong Krailat District, Sukhothai: A human geography perspective


  • ชยา วรรธนะภูติ Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiangmai University
  • รัตนาภรณ์ พุ่มน้อย Huay Ja Kan Watershed Management Unit, Watershed Management 3, Protected Areas Regional Office 16 (Chiang Mai)


natureculture, space, hybrid, freshwater fishery goods network, Baan Kong


This article uses a concept of “Hybrid Geographies” in Human Geography to discuss empirical findings from a study of freshwater fishery goods network in Yom river basin, Baan Kong, Kong Krailat district, Sukhothai province. It suggests that freshwater fishery goods are hybrid “natureculture” which is geographically embedded and entangled with things within and beyond the locality of Baan Kong. The article illustrates interactions between actors in diverse geographies: Yom river basin, fish and fishers of Baan Kong, the Department of Fisheries, the Royal Irrigation Department, fish sellers and fishery goods manufacturers. The interactions between “geographies” of different actors under uncertain socio-economic and environmental circumstances reveal fluidity in forms, meanings and states of fishery goods network in Baan Kong. These, in turn, reorder things that made up their assemblages in the first place. The hybrid networks of freshwater fishery goods of Baan Kong, thus, is "a multiple" and always becoming.


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