07 Safety Factors Affecting Foreigners’ Decision Making to Tour Songkhla Through Sadao Border Checkpoint


  • รินดา ดาววิจิตร คณะรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ หลักสูตรรัฐประศาสนศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์


Safety Factors; Decision Making to Tour; Sadao Border Checkpoint


This study has the following objectives: 1) To study the acknowledgement of safety
factors of foreigners touring Songkhla through Sadao Border Checkpoint, 2) To study the
foreigners’ decision making to tour Songkhla through Sadao Border Checkpoint, and
3) To study safety factors affecting foreigners’ decision making to tour Songkhla through Sadao
Border Checkpoint. The Study Samples are 400 tourists from Malaysia and Singapore who
travel to Songkhla through Sadao Border Checkpoint using English Questionnaires to gather
data. The Statistics used to analyze data are Percentage, Average, Standard Deviation, and
Multiple Linear Regression analysis.
The Result of the Study revealed that the Sample Groups of Malaysians and Singaporeans
were of equal number in which there were more male with age between 26-30 years,
married, bachelor degree, average earning of 901 USD up per month. The Sample Groups had
acknowledgement of overall Safety Factors at high level, acknowledgement of Tourists’ Crime
Risks at highest level, acknowledgement of Tourist Data at highest level, acknowledgement of
Personal Safety Measures at high level, and acknowledgement of Physical Safety Measures at
medium level. Their Decision Making to tour Songkhla was at highest level. They agreed that
the Acknowledgement of Tourist Data was at highest level, and that the Acknowledgement
of Tourist Data was a factor affecting the decision to tour at first priority.
The Results of Hypotheses Testing revealed that Tourist Safety Factors could predict
the Decision Making to Tour significantly at 0.05 statistic level; the Acknowledgement of
Tourist Data was the most important factor, followed by the acknowledgement of Crime Risks,
Personal Safety Measures, and Physical Sagety Measures, in that order.



